NO, Delta-8 THC is currently illegal in the state of Montana. Montana has specific state laws that prohibit the sale of Delta-8 in every day stores. If you are looking for a product that is legal in Montana that has similar results as Delta 8 try HHC.

What else can I buy in Montana that is similar to Delta 8?
If you are in a state where Delta 8 is illegal and you are looking for an alternative you can still purchase from us but you would need to purchase our HHC product. Visit your state page and purchase there( ) and you will be able to checkout. If you try to purchase from any other page on the website it will not work!
What the youtubers say: So yes, based on personal experience alone, I'd say that delta-8 gummies do get you high, and that the high is less intense than smoking joints
While new products are introduced almost every year, many by reputed cannabis stores, it is important to know what the site is selling and how it can affect you before consuming it.